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Juris Affaires Avocats & Conseils > Droit  > La cession du fonds de commerce exploité en Franchise

La cession du fonds de commerce exploité en Franchise

Le fonds de commerce exploité en franchise présente certaines particularités dans le sens où on parle bel et bien d’un fonds de commerce du franchisé bien que certains éléments constitutifs du dit fonds ne soient pas sa propriété, notamment la marque et l’enseigne qui demeurent la propriété du franchiseur.
La reconnaissance de la constitution d’un fonds de commerce au profit du franchisé était affirmée par la jurisprudence française, après un certain temps d’hésitation, par référence à l’élément considéré comme principal ou essentiel du fonds de commerce, qu’est la clientèle. L’existence d’une clientèle propre suffit à faire appliquer le statut du fonds de commerce.

Cette affirmation n’est néanmoins pas établie selon la jurisprudence tunisienne, à défaut d’arrêts publiés traitant du cas particulier du fonds de commerce en franchise, mais une lecture par analogie de certaines décisions relatives au FC permet de dire que la solution ne serait pas différente de celle affirmée par la jurisprudence française, dans la mesure où la Cour de Cassation tunisienne n’a pas manqué de rappeler dans des arrêts de principe l’importance de la clientèle comme élément principal et essentiel déterminant l’existence du fonds de commerce, pour ne pas dire « qu’elle constitue à elle seule le fonds de commerce. »

Partant donc du droit du franchisé au fonds de commerce, lorsque les conditions y sont réunies, ce dernier a, par conséquent et en principe, le droit d’en disposer librement même par la cession à un tiers.
Toutefois, la cession du fonds de commerce exploité en franchise, bien qu’elle soit soumise aux mêmes conditions qu’une cession ordinaire (hors réseau de franchise) d’un fonds de commerce (1) , elle présente certaines limites liées justement au contrat de franchise (2) .

1. La cession d’un fonds de commerce exploité en franchise est, comme toute cession de fonds de commerce, soumise aux formalités légales de rédaction et de publicité.

La cession exige, selon l’article 189 bis du code de commerce la rédaction d’un contrat de cession par un avocat en exercice non stagiaire dont il serait mentionné les éléments corporels et incorporels constituant le FC (dont ne doit pas figurer l’enseigne et la marque comme rappelé ci-dessus) et d’autres mentions obligatoires.
La rédaction du contrat se fait suite à une consultation obligatoire du registre de commerce et du registre public des nantissements tenu par un greffe spécial au tribunal de 1ère instance auquel se rattache territorialement le fonds objet de la vente. Le but en est d’informer les parties et notamment le repreneur des éventuels engagements pris sur le dit fonds et de l’absence d’empêchement légal à la rédaction.

Des formalités de publicité sont en outre obligatoires pour permettre aux éventuels créanciers de s’opposer au paiement du prix. Il est à rappeler que, légalement, le repreneur n’achète que des actifs, le passif restant à la charge de la personne cédante (physique ou morale). Or les créanciers se situent justement sur le passif. Ils peuvent réclamer leurs créances et s’opposer au paiement du prix pendant un délai de 20 jours après la publication de la cession dans le journal officiel de la République tunisienne (JORT) et dans un quotidien.

2. Les limites de la cession sont à deux niveaux, puisqu’il y a une limitation de la liberté et de l’indépendance du franchisé cédant dans le choix du repreneur du fonds. Ce dernier, une fois agréé, devra répondre à certaines exigences supplémentaires, non pas du cédant mais du franchiseur.

2.1 Le franchisé cédant est généralement lié par une clause d’agrément qui implique, avant toute concrétisation, l’acceptation du repreneur du fonds par le franchiseur, étant donné que la franchise est considérablement imprégnée par l’intuitu personae et par certaines qualités recherchées dans les membres du réseau.

De ce fait, le cédant doit solliciter l’agrément du franchiseur avant toute signature de contrat de cession de fonds de commerce. Le franchiseur peut dans ce cas, soit agréer le repreneur selon une évaluation discrétionnaire, soit faire jouer la clause de préemption, figurant dans presque tout contrat de franchise, pour se faire substitué au repreneur candidat en offrant au franchisé cédant les mêmes conditions financières proposées.

Le franchisé cédant doit également veiller au respect des autres clauses du contrat de franchise notamment les clauses de non-concurrence ou de non-affiliation post contractuelles.

2.2 Du côté repreneur, la cession du fonds exploité en franchise implique systématiquement la signature d’un nouveau contrat de franchise même si le contrat précédent est en cours.

Généralement le nouveau contrat de franchise signé avec le repreneur reste identique au précédent, mais rien n’interdit qu’il soit modifié dans un sens ou un autre selon les exigences de la nouvelle relation.

Il importe toutefois de préciser que le preneur pourrait être amené à payer au franchiseur un nouveau droit d’entrée, dans la mesure où le droit d’entrée initialement payé par le franchisé cédant ne fait pas partie de la cession du fonds de commerce. De ce fait, outre le prix payé au franchisé cédant au titre du fonds, le repreneur doit être en mesure de négocier un droit d’entrée à payer au franchiseur au titre des frais de gestion de l’intégration et les formations obligatoires.

1. Par son arrêt rendu le 27 mars 2002, la Cour de cassation française a fait la distinction entre deux  types de clientèle : la clientèle au plan national attachée à la notoriété de la marque du franchiseur et la clientèle locale (ou clientèle propre) qui existe que par le fait de moyens mis en œuvre par le franchisé parmi lesquels les éléments corporels de son fonds de commerce tels que le matériel et le stock, et l’élément incorporel que constitue le bail. La clientèle locale fait partie du fonds de commerce du franchisé puisqu’elle est créée par son activité et avec les moyens personnels mis en œuvres à ces risques et périls.
2. Cass.civ n°25378 du 23 avril 2009 : »إن عنصر الاتصال بالحرفاء عنصر جوهري يتوقف على وجوده أو زواله وجود الأصل التجاري فعنصر الحرفاء لا يعتبر جزءا من الأصل التجاري بل كاد أن يكون هو الأصل التجاري نفسه ذلك أنه لا يوجد أصل تجاري بدون حرفاء أو لم يعد يوجد حرفاء فغياب الحرفاء أو انتهائهم يؤدي إلى انتهاء الأصل التجاري، الذي ينتهي عند الإغلاق المطوّل للمحل حتى في صورة وجود عناصر مادية أخرى كالبضاعة مثلا ذلك أن مجرد تهيئته لممارسة التجارة لا يؤدي إلى خلق الأصل التجاري لعدم وجود حرفاء »


  • hdfilmcehennemi
    24 novembre 2023 at 6 h 01 min

    Kozmik ışınlara maruz kalmalarıyla süper kahraman haline gelen grupta, kurucu Reed Richards vücudunu değişik şekilllere sokabilmektedir. Kız arkadaşı, Sue Storm, görünmez olabilmektedir. Johnny Storm ateşi kontrol edebilmektedir. Pilot Ben Grimm ise süper güçlü bir taştan bir adama dönüşmüştür. Süper güçlerini bir araya getiren grup Doktor Doom’un kötülüklerine karşı koymaya çalışmaktadırlar… Bruno Gerondale

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    24 novembre 2023 at 13 h 06 min

    Ödüllü ve başarılı mimar Vincent Eastman (Richard Gere) özel hayatında dalgalanmalar yaşamaktadır. Güzel ama soğuk karısından (Sharon Stone) ayrı olan Vincent, tutkulu ve hayat dolu bir yazarla yeni bir başlangıç olarak gördüğü bir ilişki yaşamaktadır. Ancak Vincent kendisini gelecekteki mutluluğu ve 13 yaşındaki kızı, geçmişi arasında duygusal olarak bölünmüş olarak bulur. Brooks Cantore

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    24 novembre 2023 at 22 h 05 min

    İşkence görmüş zombi (Nicholas Hoult) yürüyen ölüleri öldürmekle görevli bir asker olan kızıyla (Teresa Palmer) yaşadığı sıradışı bir ilişkinin ardından derin bir dönüşüme uğrar… Canlı ve ölünün kurduğu zayıf iletişim köprüsü bir yanda, kavganın iki tarafındakiler de dünyanın bir daha asla eskisi gibi olamayacağını kavrar. Warm Bodies Isaac Marion’un romanına dayanan bir öykü… Clarence Wing

    25 novembre 2023 at 12 h 12 min


  • hdfilmcehennemi
    25 novembre 2023 at 16 h 23 min

    Katherine Center’ın çok satan romanından uyarlanan The Lost Husband, kocasının ölümünden sonra hayatını toparlamaya çalışan bir kadın ve çocuklarının hikayesini konu ediyor. Genç bir kadın olan Libby, kocasının ani ölümü ile büyük bir yıkıma uğrar. Hayatı alt üst olan kadın, kendisini toparlayabilmek için yıllardır yaşadığı şehirden ayrılarak çocukları ile birlikte teyzesinin çiftliğine gider. Küçük bir kasabada bulunan teyzesinin keçi çiftliği başlarda onun için ideal gözükmese de hem çiftlikte çalışanlar hem de kasaba sakinleri ile zaman geçirdikçe yeni hayatını sevmeye başlar.The Lost Husband izle Trey Mincks

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    25 novembre 2023 at 23 h 27 min

    Gilderoy bütün bunlara rağmen İngiliz naifliğini ve kibarlığını elden bırakmaz. Görüntü yönetmenliğini Nic Knowland’ın (Benjamenta Enstitüsü, 1995), yapımcılığını Keith Griffiths’in (Amcam Önceki Hayatlarını Hatırlıyor, 2010) üstlendiği film Broadcast’in müzikleri ve Toby Jones’un muazzam performansıyla baştan çıkarıyor. Peter Strickland bu ikinci filminde sadece İtalyan giallo filmlerine bir saygı duruşunda bulunmuyor, sinemanın kendisinin çok incelikli bir eleştirisini de yapıyor. Clayton Corathers

  • Robertliago
    26 novembre 2023 at 5 h 50 min
  • hdfilmcehennemi
    26 novembre 2023 at 13 h 39 min

    Güvenlik güçlerinde görev yapan Doron , yeni bir operasyon için Lübnan’a gönderilir. Amacı, « Kod Adı 3 » olan Hizbullah üyesi teröristi yakalamaktır. Özel bir ekiple Lübnan’a geldiği an işlerin o kadar kolay olmayacağını anlayacaktır. Karşılarında yeni ve hiç tanımadıkları bir düşman vardır… Duane Meemken

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    26 novembre 2023 at 20 h 52 min

    Birçok Kopenhag sakininin kaderi, 2.Dünya Savaşında bir bombalama görevinin yanlışlıkla çocuklarla dolu bir okulu hedef almasıyla kesişir. Markus Denoon

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    2 décembre 2023 at 18 h 32 min

    Rumulus dahi zenci bir pianist iken Stuyvesant adlı biri tarafından gözlendiği saplantısı ile paranoyak olmuş ve bir parktaki mağaranın içine yerleşmiştir.. Evsiz denmesine kızmaktadır zira evi mağarasıdır.. Bu arada mağarasının önündeki ağacın üstünde bir ceset bulur ve katilleri aramaya baslar Jamey Kenndey

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    3 décembre 2023 at 1 h 43 min

    Heritage izle. Analist olarak çalışan CIA ajanı, eski bir arkadaşının gizemli ölümünü araştırmak için Doğu Almanya’ya gider. Korey Yule

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    6 décembre 2023 at 7 h 11 min

    Bir Amerikan gazinosu yanıbaşındaki kasabaya zarar vermeye başladığında, düşük teknoloji uyumsuzu bir grup onları kendi oyunlarıyla dize getirmek için yola çıkarlar. Cristobal Divlio

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    6 décembre 2023 at 14 h 44 min

    Kate, yetenekli bir suikastçı olan genç bir kadındır. Geri döndürülemez bir şekilde zehirlendiğini öğrenen Kate’in düşmanlarından intikam alabilmek için sadece 24 saati vardır. Düşmanlarından kanlı bir intikam almak için harekte geçen Kate, bu sırada eski kurbanlarından birinin kızıyla beklenmedik bir bağ kurar. Kate uzun zamandır hissetmediği bu duygulardan ders alıp son zamanlarını güzel mi geçirecek yoksa intikamın peşinden mi gidecektir? Jimmy Tongren

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    9 décembre 2023 at 3 h 41 min

    Destroyer, büyük bir soyguncunun peşine düşen bir dedektifin hikayesini konu ediyor. Erin Bell, uzun yıllardır Los Angeles Polis Departmanı’nda çalışan bir dedektiftir. İşinde eski saygınlığını yitiren genç kadının özel hayatında da işler pek yolunda gitmez. Kızı Shelby ile de sorunları olan Erin oldukça sıkıntılı bir süreçten geçmektedir. Tam da bu sırada hiç hesaba katmadığı bir durumla karşı karşıya kalır. Genç kadının en büyük kabusu yeniden ortaya çıkar. Dolabında önemli bir ipucu bulan Erin, bu sayede yıllar önce peşine düştüğü ancak yakalamayı başaramadığı büyük soyguncu Silas’ın hala hayatta olduğunu öğrenir. Silas’ı yakalamak Erin için kişisel bir mesele haline gelir ve vakit kaybetmeden onun peşine düşer. Silas’ı ararken geçmişi ve düşmanlarıyla yüzleşmek zorunda kalan genç kadın bu sefer büyük soyguncuyu yakalamayı başarabilecek midir? Destroyer, Destroyer izle, Destroyer Türkçe altyazılı izle, Destroyer Türkçe dublaj izle Matthew Oganesian

  • Charlespax
    9 décembre 2023 at 10 h 14 min

    Всем добрый вечер. Устали от постоянной замены искусственных елок каждый год? Хотите создать уютную новогоднюю атмосферу с минимумом хлопот?
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    Кроме того, она является экологически чистым вариантом украшения и после праздников может быть пересажена в саду или лесу, сохраняя свою ценность.
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  • hdfilmcehennemi
    9 décembre 2023 at 10 h 19 min

    Görev, en büyük oğul Alfredo’ya düşer, ama o hiç de bu göreve hazırmış gibi görünmemektedir. Anne ise panik içinde; nitekim gerçekleşmesi gereken ‘ayin’ yaklaşmaktadır. Alvaro Leskovec

  • iDaCsoclVb
    17 décembre 2023 at 2 h 52 min


  • Calsisy
    19 décembre 2023 at 13 h 25 min

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  • HerbertfrerM
    20 décembre 2023 at 21 h 41 min

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  • Jamesnum
    20 décembre 2023 at 21 h 41 min

    Debuton [url=http://debuton.pl/user-68032-about]Click here![/url]

  • hdfilmcehennemi
    21 décembre 2023 at 23 h 19 min

    Hdfilmcehennemi – Türkiye’nin en hızlı hd film izleme sitesi. Tek ve gerçek hdfilmcehennemi sitesi. Lupe Michelfelder

  • Charlespax
    24 décembre 2023 at 10 h 53 min

    Всем добрый день. Устали от постоянной замены искусственных елок каждый год? Хотите создать уютную новогоднюю атмосферу с минимумом хлопот?
    Тогда живая новогодняя елка – ваш идеальный выбор!Живая елка не только придает особое очарование вашему дому, но и озеленит его свежим ароматом хвои.
    Кроме того, она является экологически чистым вариантом украшения и после праздников может быть пересажена в саду или лесу, сохраняя свою ценность.
    Сейчас достачтоно много сайтов где вы найдет массу новогодних елей –

  • Robertliago
    26 décembre 2023 at 4 h 38 min
  • oNWGkFjq
    30 décembre 2023 at 8 h 03 min


  • IrinaNup
    6 janvier 2024 at 9 h 33 min
  • her biji pkk
    9 janvier 2024 at 21 h 16 min

    Thanks for the tips on credit repair on all of this blog. What I would advice people is to give up the mentality that they can buy now and pay later. As a society we tend to do this for many things. This includes vacations, furniture, and items we want. However, you need to separate your wants from all the needs. While you are working to improve your credit score you have to make some sacrifices. For example you can shop online to save money or you can go to second hand stores instead of expensive department stores for clothing. Mohamed Hoeffer

  • IrinaNup
    19 janvier 2024 at 2 h 38 min
  • ZXNnRxtQAYbgMaDd
    22 janvier 2024 at 0 h 06 min


  • RonaldGag
    26 janvier 2024 at 7 h 20 min

    The advantages of engaging an accountancy corporation or clerking Firm for an attorney and a proper Real Estate Veteran

    Law offices and real-estate specialists face most amazing problems when it comes to monitoring their resources. From bookkeeping and tax planning to fiscal reporting to investigations, these businesses must remain on top of their economic procedures to steadfastly keep up security, conform to regulation, and multiply. Employing an bookkeeping corporation or clerking service provider can offer different pros for law offices and realty pros, enabling them to conquer these struggles and also enhance their total financial capability.

    Of law offices, freelancing ones own accounting features to an expert organization can offer a wide array of importance, including made better overall performance furthermore consistency, decreased worry and tasks, and expert advice and instruction. One of the most significant advantages of renting an bookkeeping enterprise or bookkeeping firm for a law firm is advanced effectiveness and quality. A skilled accounting firm can handle all financial tasks, most notably clerking, tax preparing, and spending coverage, clearing up law firm personnel to pay attention to their core assignments. This might also lessen the danger of hands-on errors, ensuring that all money info is accurate additionally latest.

    Another important advantage of contracting out accountant tasks to an expert organization is reduced stress and tasks. Law firm force most of the time face significant quantities of fatigue as well as work, commonly all through bustling occasions such as for instance tax period of time to end-of-yearmonetary revealing. An accountant company or clerking firm will help alleviate this problem by taking care of all fiscal job, decreasing the anxiety and tasks relating to law practice force.

    Professional advice to assistance is another secret advantage of getting an Quick Books enterprise or clerking service company for an attorney. A professional accounting firm can offer law offices with expert advice and assistance with economical concerns, helping him or her create assured alternatives, boost their financing presentation, furthermore accomplish their particular extended monetary desired goals. This could easily come with reinforcement using finance arranging, tax organizing, and compliance along with relevant legal guidelines.

    Along with this kind of returns, an quick books organization or book keeping company may also incorporate law offices along with use of the newest tech and program for quick books and accounting. This assists law firms simplify the economical functions, decrease manual flaws, and enhance their all in all finance presentation. The agency also can give improved data security, ensuring that most of financing data is easily held plus screened away from virtual threats.

    Properties experts moreover encounter numerous finance challenges, and obtaining an quick books firm or quick books business can provide countless rewards of these online businesses too. Considerably improved performance and correctness is amongst the answer advantages of freelancing CPA capabilities to a specialist firm for real property contractors. A professional accountant firm are capable of every one of the monetary undertaking, for instance quick books, tax organizing, to finance stating, relieving up real-estate industry experts to spotlight their particular central assignments.

    Another essential good thing about outsourcing accountant functions to a professional service provider the real deal real property gurus is declined demands and workload. Realty professionals many times tackle highest amounts of difficulty or tasks, extremely while in focused time period such as income tax time of year or end of year spending accounts. An Financial reporting company or Budgeting agency will help minimize such worry by approaching all economic responsibilities, decreasing the concerns furthermore tasks of property professionals.

    Professional advice plus information is yet another secret advantageous asset of acquiring an financial management firm or ledger management group for real real estate experts. A seasoned fiscal firm can offer realty specialists with professional advice and help with financial matters, assisting them draw in the loop options, boost their spending overall performance, as well as achieve their long-lasting money targets. This will come with financial support from fiscal creating, tax designing, and conformation with all ideal legal guidelines.

    Along with such perks, an accountant firm or ledger management firm also can provide realty executives with usage of the most recent technology and products for cpa and accounting. This assists real estate professionals simplify her financing activities, decrease information mistakes, plus enhance their overall economic performance. The firm may also give increased important info security, making sure all loan data is nicely filed as well as safe and sound from cyber malware.

    Additional advantageous asset of employing an accountancy agency or accounting service provider the real deal realty professionals could be the capability to use the business’s training in real estate budgeting . A seasoned record-keeping firm can offer real estate professionals with customized book keeping products and services which can be created specifically to generally meet the initial needs of these business. This could include support with property management, financial reporting, and investment analysis, among the areas.

    Finally, outsourcing accounting functions to a professional firm can provide real estate professionals with greater peace of mind. When real estate professionals partner with a skilled ledger management firm, they are able to trust that most financial tasks are being handled by professionals who understand the unique challenges of these business. This will probably provide real estate professionals with a better feeling of security and peace of mind, knowing that their finances have been in good hands.

    To conclude, hiring an quick books firm or bookkeeping firm can offer numerous benefits for law offices and real estate professionals. From improved efficiency and accuracy to professional advice and guidance, outsourcing cpa functions to an expert firm often helps these firms overcome their financial concerns to accomplish any lasting financial targets. Either you are a law firm or a real property expert, integrating to a professional balance sheet analysis business is a good financial as time goes on of the firm.

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  • Jerrykag
    26 janvier 2024 at 11 h 38 min

    To start, minimalist elegance is all about looking for the right balance in between simplicity and fanciness. Consider straight lines and a ageless style that never goes out of fashion.

    Let’s plunge into shiny coatings. They can be like fancy finishing that make wooden floors look really cool. Imagine how the light plays on these floors, turning your place into a super stylish showcase of contemporary design.

    For the fans, how does minimalist elegance add a touch of luxury to your places? Are you currently into the simple yet stylish vibe of metallic finishes in your choice of flooring? Share your thoughts and let’s discuss about these trendsetting styles.

    By understanding these construction trends, we can get a glimpse into how our design and style choices can enhance our living places. Join in the discussion as all of us study the intricacies of such fads and just how they determine the way our residences look and feel.|Hi there construction aficionados! Immerse yourself in the universe of engineered floors, where we explore the newest developments evolving our dwelling areas. Your engineered flooring is greater than a solid underpinning; they hold the key to timeless elegance. A significant trend is the rise of innovative finishes, boosting both the appearance and life expectancy of your floors, giving them a lasting makeover.

    let’s explore the core of cutting-edge ideas and incorporating advanced tech. Visualize flooring that accommodates your lifestyle, adapting to shifts in temperature, offering adjustable lighting choices, and even informing you about potential maintenance tasks. It’s a perfect fusion of form and function, adding a hint of progress to your household. Do you know hard wood floors are beyond being beautiful, also environment friendly? Wooden renews over time, transforming it into an environmentally conscious selection for homeowners who prioritize sustainability. Furthermore, you can refinish it, extending its life and decreasing the call for a new one. Become part of the dialogue and communicate your viewpoints on these interesting tendencies. Set to upgrade your living area with the timeless charm and innovation of hardwood flooring?|Let’s delve into two significant trends in solid wood flooring to the timeless appeal of dark-hued timber and the innovative potential with flexible designs. Richly shaded wood flooring introduces a hint of chic modern charm and a subtle sense of mystery to your living areas. Visualize spaces teeming They have a touch of fanciness that makes them stand out., due to deep and rich colors that build a style that’s universally attractive and modern vibe.

    Explore the charm of geometric patterns and wood tile flooring. and Inject a joyful and mathematical feature in your living areas, providing a new outlook on presenting a unique angle. From covering the spectrum from classic to modern , Diagonal stripes and panel designs combine regional and cultural effects, crafting living areas that captivate to a broad selection of tastes. Tell us your thoughts expressing your views on the attractiveness of dark wood|Greetings to our captivating community, where chats revolve the interesting world of floor materials. Engage deeply into enlightening threads dealing with a range of subjects, from the nuances of making a choice between between firm and synthetic wood to the individual characteristics of exotic hardwoods. Discuss your journeys with myriad surface treatments, scrutinize sustainability-focused possibilities, and engage in talks about the perpetual refinement of oaken, maple hardwood, and additional hardwood sorts. Whether you’re hunting for counsel for a self-styled endeavor or aspire to contribute your knowledge, this forum supplies a encouraging assembly for enthusiasts at all degree. Let’s improve our combined understanding and acknowledge the unfading attraction of hardwood floors as a group.|A top most recognized Hardwood Flooring Installation Specialists is Introducing Exceptional assistance in Renovating wooden floors.

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    This company has highly regarded certifications from the NWFA, such as but not limited to Certified Installation Specialist, Accredited Sanding & Finishing Professional, and Certified Wood Floor Examiner.

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  • IrinaNup
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  • Robertliago
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  • DarrylEmpah
    3 février 2024 at 17 h 34 min

    Winning images from 2023 Travel Photographer of the Year contest reveal world’s beauty and tragedy
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    Mist rising from the Tuscan hills, a tiny fish staring at the ocean from inside the neck of a glass bottle, and a pangolin tucked contentedly under the chin of her carer are among the winning entries from the 2023 Travel Photographer of the Year competition.

    Shot all around the globe, the images illuminate both the beauty and tragedy that arise when humans interact with the natural world.

    Judges crowned Slovenian photographer AndreJa Ravnak the overall winner for her depictions of dream-like European landscapes, after considering more than 20,000 images submitted by photographers from more than 150 countries.

    Ravnak, an architect by trade, acknowledged the “complex task” faced by the judges and thanked them in a statement for recognizing her work.

  • RonaldGag
    4 février 2024 at 15 h 40 min

    Some great benefits of recruiting an Accounting business or accounting Firm for a lawyer and an actual Real Estate expert

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    Real property industry experts likewise confront a lot of spending issues, or recruiting an accountancy firm or CPA business can offer various benefits for those enterprises too. Increased effectiveness and accuracy and reliability is one of the most important advantages of freelancing accountant processes to a professional firm the real deal properties specialists. A skilled accountancy firm are designed for every one of the finance features, which includes accounting, tax preparation, or loan reporting, liberating up property executives to spotlight specific heart and soul jobs.

    Another essential advantageous asset of outsourced workers cpa capabilities to an expert institution the real deal realty gurus is declined stress and tasks. Properties pros commonly tackle peak quantities of worry then business tasks, very going through chaotic times such as for instance taxation season or annum financing accounts. An Cost accounting company or Financial reporting service company can help reduce that encumbrance by maneuvering all financial things, decreasing the tension and also work of industry specialists.

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    Rolex watches
    Understanding COSC Certification and Its Importance in Watchmaking
    COSC Accreditation and its Stringent Standards
    Controle Officiel Suisse des Chronometres, or the Controle Officiel Suisse des Chronometres, is the official Switzerland testing agency that verifies the accuracy and precision of timepieces. COSC certification is a symbol of superior craftsmanship and reliability in chronometry. Not all watch brands seek COSC validation, such as Hublot, which instead sticks to its own demanding standards with movements like the UNICO, achieving similar precision.

    The Science of Exact Chronometry
    The core mechanism of a mechanical timepiece involves the spring, which provides power as it loosens. This system, however, can be vulnerable to environmental factors that may influence its accuracy. COSC-certified mechanisms undergo strict testing—over fifteen days in various conditions (5 positions, 3 temperatures)—to ensure their durability and reliability. The tests measure:

    Mean daily rate accuracy between -4 and +6 secs.
    Mean variation, maximum variation rates, and effects of thermal variations.
    Why COSC Certification Matters
    For watch fans and collectors, a COSC-accredited timepiece isn’t just a piece of tech but a proof to enduring excellence and accuracy. It symbolizes a timepiece that:

    Presents exceptional dependability and accuracy.
    Provides confidence of superiority across the entire design of the timepiece.
    Is likely to maintain its worth more efficiently, making it a smart choice.
    Famous Chronometer Brands
    Several well-known manufacturers prioritize COSC certification for their watches, including Rolex, Omega, Breitling, and Longines, among others. Longines, for instance, provides collections like the Record and Soul, which highlight COSC-accredited mechanisms equipped with advanced materials like silicon balance suspensions to improve durability and performance.

    Historical Background and the Evolution of Timepieces
    The concept of the chronometer dates back to the requirement for exact chronometry for navigational at sea, highlighted by John Harrison’s work in the eighteenth cent. Since the formal foundation of COSC in 1973, the certification has become a standard for evaluating the accuracy of high-end timepieces, maintaining a legacy of superiority in watchmaking.

    Owning a COSC-accredited timepiece is more than an visual selection; it’s a dedication to excellence and precision. For those appreciating accuracy above all, the COSC validation provides peacefulness of mind, guaranteeing that each certified watch will function reliably under various circumstances. Whether for individual contentment or as an investment, COSC-accredited watches distinguish themselves in the world of horology, bearing on a tradition of meticulous chronometry.

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